Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC)
Are you looking for ways to boost your hair growth? Try Krystalyn Growth Factor Hair Rejuvenation (GFC), a ground-breaking solution for common hair problems. This progressive treatment is a magnificent method for handling balding at a cell level with the assistance of your plasma and development factors.
Our Considering Hair Growth Rejuvenation Therapy includes a progression of regular development considering infusions to the scalp, which have been clinically demonstrated to revive debilitated hair follicles. This revival technique can accelerate hair development, energize the regrowth of diminishing hair, and make your hair more grounded and thicker.
Benefits of GFC
Dramatic Reduction in Hair Loss
Stimulates New Hair Follicle Growth
Promotes Denser, Fuller Looking Hair
Thicker and Stronger Hair Roots
Lasting Results
Involves Zero Downtime
Quick Procedure
Why GFC is Important

This therapy effectively uses growth factors to treat and prevent hair loss. Growth factors, when injected into the scalp, help slow down hair loss and, in many cases, stimulate hair growth in hair follicles that have started to diminish.
Since these injections have healing properties, they can repair tissues and revitalise your scalp with the help of multiple growth factors.

After just one session, you can notice a 90% reduction in hair loss with this hair rejuvenation therapy. After two sessions, new hair growth is visible.
This hair rejuvenation therapy strengthens your roots and improves hair quality.
Treatment Protocol
1) Get the treatment room ready and clean the scalp with an alcohol swab and apply numbing cream on the scalp and keep it for 30-40 mins.
2) Collect 20 ml of blood from the patient’s cubital fossa in 4 GFC tubes 5ml each.
3) Keep it at rest for 30 mins and centrifuge it at the stipulated rpm for 10 mins.
4) Collect the pure yellow transparent plasma from the GFC tubes into fine needle syringes without disturbing the settled-down blood residue.
5) After cleaning the numbing ointment, 9-10 ml of plasma is obtained from 20 ml of blood and injected into the scalp.
6) Make partitions with a sterile comb and inject the plasma all over the scalp.
7) Plasma, if left, should be spread all over the scalp with gentle massage.
8) Patient can wash hair after 6-8 hrs post-treatment.